Hailo Support

It's currently possible to convert Teachable Machine models to the Hailo-ONNX format on the cloud.

Other generic ONNX models need to be locally compiled by the user using the Hailo dataflow compiler, and then the generated file needs to be uploaded to the Nx AI Cloud. This is due to the nature of compiling ONNX models in Hailo format. For this the user needs to upload calibration images and specify the subgraph that the Hailo chips can accelerate. This is not possible in the available cloud conversion.

Deploying on x86_64 machine with Hailo-8

  1. The first step is to verify that you have a compatible HailoRT driver installed. Please check out this table to determine if your driver version is supported.

  2. Next, install the Nx AI plugin by following these instructions.

  3. If all is well, you should be able to select the Hailo runtime when enabling the Nx plugin as shown below:

  1. After the installation is finished, the plugin interface will look something like this:

  1. To manually verify that the Hailo runtime is downloaded and set up, feel free to check out the content of the bin folder of the AI Manager and make sure it contains these files: - libhailort.so.4.xx.0 - libonnxruntime_providers_hailo.so -libonnxruntime_providers_shared.so - libRuntimeLibrary.so

ubuntu@ThinkStation-P360-Tower:~$ ls /opt/networkoptix-metavms/mediaserver/bin/plugins/nxai_plugin/nxai_manager/bin/
installed_runtime.txt libhailort.so.4.17.0 libonnxruntime_providers_hailo.so libonnxruntime_providers_shared.so libRuntimeLibrary.so sclbld sclblmod
  1. Finally, to deploy a model that can be accelerated on the Hailo chip, make sure that it has a application/x-onnx; device=hailo model file in the Nx AI Cloud:

If that is not the case, you'll need to manually compile the ONNX model and upload the generated model to the cloud. Please refer to this page for a quick start guide.

Common issues

  • Sometimes, after compiling an ONNX model to a Hailo-ONNX, the input names and shapes are not kept intact. Hence, the model might not work correctly within the Nx AI Manager. So, please make sure that the generated ONNX conforms to our specifications.


How to Enable Hailo Monitoring with hailortcli monitor

To monitor Hailo usage with the hailortcli monitor command, you need to set a specific environment variable. Follow these steps:

  1. Edit the Media Server Service Configuration:

    Add the following line to the /etc/systemd/system/networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver.service file to set the necessary environment variable:


    The updated configuration file should look like this:

    Description=Network Optix Media Server
    After=network.target local-fs.target remote-fs.target
  2. Restart the NX Media Server:

    After updating the configuration file, restart the Network Optix Media Server for the changes to take effect. You can do this by running one of the following commands:

    sudo systemctl restart networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver.service


    sudo service networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver restart
  3. Run hailortcli HAILO_MONITOR=1 hailortcli monitor

Experimental .ini setting

Explicitly setting multiple Nx AI runtime engines is controlled by an .ini file. This .ini file does not exist by default and must be created by the user.

Create an empty file by running:

sudo mkdir -p /home/networkoptix-metavms/.config/nx_ini 
sudo touch /home/networkoptix-metavms/.config/nx_ini/nxai_plugin.ini 
sudo chmod 666 /home/networkoptix-metavms/.config/nx_ini/nxai_plugin.ini

Then restart the mediaserver:

sudo service networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver restart

Once the mediaserver is restarted, the .ini file should be filled with defaults. Each setting should have a description in the .ini file.

Now, you can set multiple runtimes through:


# If enabled, the NxAI Plugin, NXAI Manager, and Inference Engine logs will be logged to the console. Default: false

# If enabled, the NxAI Plugin will send frames to the AI Manager even when inactive. Default: false

# The path of the AI Manager's socket file is listening for messages. Default: "/tmp/nxai_manager.sock"

# The path of the socket file the plugin will listen for messages. Default: "/tmp/nxai_plugin.sock"

# The URL of the NXAI cloud. Default: "https://api.sclbl.nxvms.com"

# The AI Manager will spawn this many runtimes per model. Default: 1

Last updated