2. Install Nx AI Manager Plugin

This page provides instructions on how to install the NXAI Plugin

After your installation of the Nx Mediaserver which currently does not come packaged with the Nx AI Plugin, you can always install it yourself.

Open a terminal window on the device where you installed the Nx Mediaserver and execute the following command to install the Nx AI Manager plugin:

sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O - https://artifactory.nxvms.dev/artifactory/nxai_open/NXAIPlugin/install.sh)"

This script will download the latest plugin and place it in the appropriate plugin folder.

Re-installation or Updates

If you want to update or re-install the Nx AI Plugin you can safely re-run the same command.

The old version of the plugin will be removed by the install script before the new version is installed.

Your settings will be stored and reused. You will still need to check the settings, because in some cases new options are available that require some changes. An example might be a new runtime that is available for your hardware.

Last updated