7. Removing the Nx AI Manager

Uninstalling the Nx AI manager

To uninstall the Nx AI Manager from your Nx Meta server, log in to the server console and execute the following command:

sudo /opt/networkoptix-metavms/mediaserver/bin/plugins/nxai_plugin/nxai_manager/etc/init uninstall

Removing the Nx AI plugin

To remove the Nx AI plugin from your Nx Meta server, log in to the server console and execute the following command:

sudo rm -r /opt/networkoptix-metavms/mediaserver/bin/plugins/nxai_*

Restarting the Nx Meta mediaserver

After uninstalling the Nx plugin and AI manager, restart the Nx mediaserver for these changes to take effect with the following command:

sudo service networkoptix-metavms-mediaserver restart

Please refer to Nx documentation for Nx Meta mediaserver uninstallation instructions

Last updated